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  • Writer's picturewinnie wong

Travel after COVID19, but it won’t be the same

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Let's be honest, for the rest of the year, travel has been largely removed from the table, while the current pandemic will force us to adjust our daily life, while also adjusting the course of future travel.

Domestic tourism is expected to start first, at least until 2021, it seems that there is no international possibility for everyone this year. Nothing can be said about the future of travel for now, but it is obvious that we will have to get used to a completely new travel scene after the restrictions are removed. If you are planning your 2021 trip and wondering how the travel experience will change, these are the most likely scenarios you need to prepare yourself. Social withdrawal is a term used to stay here, and while the travel industry will return, there will be less direct contact with other people than we've used to, and we will have a habit of daily life.

Wearing surgical face masks among the public was already a cultural norm in most of East Asia before the pandemic, but Western countries will also have to adapt. Having to stay at home has been a lesson in deferred satisfaction, and for the sake of this, instead of jumping on a low cost flight, we will spend more time preparing our travels and making the most of it. Our expectations will be much higher. Travel planning will be much more interactive from now on; locking forced the world's goals to be creative and truly adopt virtual travel, and as we said above, there is usually no turning back after getting used to the new technology.

We have seen many destinations, cities and museums move online to interest people, and there are incredibly good virtual tours. We have seen how fast advanced technology has entered our lives.

There are many predictions for the future of travel; Travel can be expensive for the first year (such as the elderly population), where some demographic information may hesitate to travel again in such a short time and is trying to find the feet of this industry. Another reason is that many people who lose their income in all industries will not be as disposable income as they once were, so people will need time to ensure the luxury of leisure travel. In both cases, mass tourism is unlikely to be a problem, at least for the next year. We hope the goals will only use this time to develop sound and sustainable tourism strategies to avoid following the same path in the future. As a traveler, it offers a unique opportunity to visit previously crowded places without the usual crowd.

After this pandemic, the future of travel will undoubtedly be an increase in security measures at airports, HongKong Airport has already begun to implement the first technological solutions and, of course, with the appearance of two-meter gaps, waiting times at airports will be extended, health certificates, insurance certificates and medical screening. You will need more than a passport; Some countries will not even have a chance to test at the border. Especially if you're coming from an epidemic hot spot. Entry may be rejected if you do not have an immune certificate (after vaccination) because you have survived an infection or have been vaccinated.

Domestic travel will improve first and the train will gain importance for most countries.

Possibly,the train will be used more than the airplane.

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