The global aviation industry is shaken by the impact of the airport's COVID-19 crisis 'travel retailing' industry (including food and beverage and other services) so what might this look like?
We must implement contract models that will provide the best chance of success for all stakeholders in the future and help provide the best possible consumer recommendations.
The aviation industry was seriously shaken by the effect of Covid-19. A deep recession is waiting for us in the future, but what will the travel retailer do? Of course, Travel retailing will not be lost, but it should definitely take a different position. This is airports, buildings, store mix, brand mix category mix, etc.
In our new lifestyle, “If you need to be a meter away from someone, what will happen to retail sales at the airports? - we must read new consumer behavior and adapt the retail conditions to this new world, and we cannot do this in traditional ways.
Millennials will make up %75 of the air traffic by 2025.They are much different than the previous generation.No1 top of mind purchase is 'experience'
Skyra is designed to create a new disruption model, called “POSITIVE DISRUPTION” through activation of blind spots in industry to create incremental value to all: retailers-brands-travelers & non-travelers offer our new application and a new shopping opportunity that will provide the safe and remote shopping we need today, as well as a new shopping opportunity that will ensure the warmth of real friends and family.
Hope to see you soon in our platform.Let's cooperate together to give our customers more from their Travels and shoppings.
For more information you can get in touch us with us.